Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Torah On One Foot / Bang It Out Protest

Don't get me wrong. I don't believe in forcing my world views on the whole world or demanding that everyone should conform to my set of values. I do believe though in reacting when someone offends me and the things i hold dear. Now is welcome to blend judaism with all the jokes, movies, and celebrity sightings they want but when they reduce and make a mockery of study of Torah that's where i feel it crosses the line, atleast for me personally that is. They have this section called Torah-On-One-Foot, see for yourself some examples:

  1. Megillas Esther by I. Galena Posted: 07-11-2006(Viewed 554 times)
    Haman: Kill all the Jews!
    King Achashverosh: Kill all the Jews!
    Queen Esther shows some leg
    King Achashverosh: Save all the Jews!
    Haman Dies

  2. Jobby A. Dworken Posted: 07-11-2006(Viewed 482 times)
    Job: This just sucks. God: Yup.Get used it.Job: Waaaah.God: Cry baby.THE END

  3. Book of Jonahby S. Galena Posted: 07-11-2006(Viewed 534 times)
    Jonah Runs away
    Whale: Gulp3 days later
    Whale: Burp THE END

  4. Masechet Baba Metziaby I. Galena Posted: 07-11-2006(Viewed 540 times)
    SHIMON: That's my talis!
    LEVI: No it isnt!
    SHIMON: Yes it is!
    (200 pages of rabbinic debate)
    LEVI: Fine, take the talis, I never wanted it anyway.

As i can only speak for myself I found these thing truly offensive. Something that i have devoted so much of my life to... for someone to act so glibly with it... i just don't like it.

I've kindly asked the moderators to remove this section from their website. Haven't heard anything from them yet.... Shout out if you agree. Peace to all. - Danny Mokhtar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I never really thought about it but once I stopped and reflected I realized the truth in what the author of this blog is saying.

All too often in our society we become desensitized to inappropriate images, talk, or behavior simply because we are constantly barraged by it.

Just because American comedians center their jokes around areas of our lives that should be treated as the most holy, respected and/or private doesn't mean we should. (Think the prevalence of jokes about our sex lives, our marriages, bodily functions, etc.)

While undeniably funny, it seems obvious that the Torah On One Foot column is similarly guilty of making a mockery of charactors and situations in Tanach which really shouldn't be simplified merely for the sake of humor.

I think it would behoove the creators of the website to really think about this and reflect on whether they absolutely need to continue producing a column which is subtly contributing to a less respectful attitude towards Torah in our communities.

Thank you again 'Torah On One Foot' protester for bringing this to my attention and making all of us pause and think for a moment,